Wednesday 20 March 2013

Not Just Words

Sometimes I think I still can’t live without you.
A heart breaking inside that I've been goin' through
Realize my yearning to be just untrue

The years have come and gone
I've never hear your name around
Just a dark side full of wound

For any reason I don't know
Or however I grow
Still couldn't believe that I've just let you go

A song, a scene, a scent
All reminds me of you
How I do really miss you
Sometimes, even after all these years,
There's still some dropping tears
No matter how hard I sear

If I could turn back time
I know what I would do
I'd spend all my time
Just being with you

( I've made this few years ago, just before push myself step foward to through this real life, even sometimes I'm still look back to find you. I made as my deepest regret that I've just let myself loosing you )

(I was crying when I read this for the first time. And the second. And the next. Felt your regret so deeply. I didn't blame you hunny. You've told me all of your reasons why. And those reasons made me understand how much you loved me. So I didn't complain. I want to give you the same love as you have for me. But I think it would not be the same anyway. Yours is unbelievable.


  1. reading this somehow reminds me of a scene in harry potter books, when snape lets dumbledore looking into his pensieve.

    "after all this time?" said dumbledore.

    "always..." said snape.

    *sori for my broken grammar. :p

    1. That's everyone's favorite scene, right?
      Made us cry.. Turning Snape-hater to Snape-lover...

      Thanks for visiting...
